Christian Hanna

CAD Designer

Christian is Qunity’s CAD Designer with over 8 years of experience in the field. Before Qunity, he taught architectural and mechanical design, for the Winston-Salem Forsyth County School System.

Christian also has experience in designing retail stores in North and South Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia, as a CAD Designer in the Engineering sector.

Over the years, Christian has honed his craft, through not only his industry and education-based experience, but also as a private, contracted designer.


SW-76 – Durham NC  

Christian is the lead designer for the newest guideline called Prowag. This guideline is for redesigning the outdated ADA ramps in Durham, NC. The project includes the mapping of sidewalks, as well as working on the existing ADA ramps and associated draft solutions for the City of Durham.

WS-86 & WS-87 – City of Durham – Durham NC  

Christian has helped his colleagues with designing water and sewer plans for several locations such as Grande Oaks Road, Stallings Road, Red Coach Road, and E Geer St. On these projects, he was responsible for drafting plans for erosion control, stream, and wetland impacts of each aforementioned street; which included the installation of waterlines, sanitary sewers, and other necessary measures.

Ellis Road Assemblage– Durham NC  

Christian designed the waterlines and sanitary sewer for the 192-lot townhome development on Ellis Road. The project included the installation of water meters and cleanouts throughout the site.

Durham Bus Shelter Project– Durham NC  

Christian was a part of the Durham Bus Shelter Project, which provided Go Triangle 9 locations with new and improved bus stop shelters. The project included locating and surveying possible bus shelter locations and furthermore designing said shelters.

  • BS in Graphic Communication Systems
    North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
    Greensboro, NC